Tactics in Interpretation
1. Introduction
In spite
of interpreters' preparation strategies, problems do arise in interpreting
situations (see Gile 1989) because of processing capacity limitations (as
explained in chapter 7), errors in processing capacity management, and gaps in
the interpreters' Knowledge Base. Many of these problems can be said to be
unavoidable, as shown by the fact that they are encountered regularly even by
interpreters with a solid reputation and long professional experience.
Interpretation has been referred to by some professionals as "crisis management,"
and in the light of interpreters' daily experience, these are apt words to
describe an aspect of interpreting which is virtually unknown to the public at
Difficulties affect both comprehension and production,
often through failure sequences as explained in chapter 7. When interpreters
are aware of such problems, they tend to use a rather small set of tactics to
limit their impact.
Coping tactics are a very fundamental practical skill in
interpreting. Basically, they are taught within the framework of practical
exercises. In most training programs, this is done by trial and correction,
with trial on the student's part and corrections from the instructor. Such
corrections are generally normative; instructors sometimes refer to the communication
impact of the tactics in order to explain their preferences, but are not
necessarily aware of other factors which influence them.
This chapter attempts to provide instructors with a list of
basic coping tactics for a general view of the issue. It also presents a
conceptual framework which spells out the advantages and drawbacks of each
tactic, and discusses a few rules which may help explain what makes
interpreters prefer one tactic over the other beyond their individual merits.
2. Tactics in simultaneous interpretation
2.1 Comprehension tactics
The following are the main tactics used when comprehension
problems arise, and when they threaten to arise under time-related or
processing capacity related pressure.
a. Delaying the response
When a comprehension difficulty arises, interpreters may
respond immediately with one of the other tactics presented below. However,
they may also delay their response for a while (a fraction of a second to a few
seconds), so as to have some time for thought while they receive more
information from the source-language speech. After a while, they may have
solved the problem entirely, or else they may decide to resort to another
Because of its very nature, the Delay tactic involves an
accumulation of information in short-term memory, and is associated with the
risk of losing speech segments in a failure sequence as outlined in chapter 7.
b. Reconstructing the segment with the help of the context
When interpreters have not properly heard or understood a
technical term, name, number, or other type of speech segment, they can try to
reconstruct it in their mind using their knowledge of the language, the
subject, and, the situation (their extra-linguistic knowledge).
The reconstruction process is an integral part of speech comprehension
in everyday situations as well. It is defined as a tactic in the present
context when it becomes a conscious endeavor, as opposed to an ordinary,
subconscious process.
If successful, reconstruction can result in full recovery
of the information. However, it may entail some waiting until more information
is available and require considerable time and processing capacity. Like the
Delay tactic presented above, it is associated with a high risk of saturation
and individual deficits. Reconstruction from the context can therefore not be
considered a high-priority tactic.
c. Using the booth mate’s help
In simultaneous interpretation, there are theoretically at
least two interpreters in the booth at all times. One is active (producing a
target-language speech), while the other is passive (listening, but not
speaking). The passive colleague, who can devote full attention to listening,
has a better chance of understanding difficult speech segments than the active
interpreter, whose processing capacity is being shared by the three Efforts.
Moreover, on the production side, the passive interpreter can consult a
glossary or another document, which takes up much time and processing capacity,
and then give the information to the active colleague, generally in writing.
The presence of a passive interpreter in the booth is therefore a major asset
to the active interpreter.
The active interpreter can ask for the passive colleague's
help with a glance or a movement of the head. In teams that work well, the
passive interpreter will sense a hesitation in the active colleague's speech
and understand there is a problem. He or she can also anticipate problems and
write down names, numbers, technical terms, etc., without even being asked for
help. When the problem is terminological, the booth mate will generally
indicate to the active interpreter the target-language term if possible, so
that it can be used for reformulation. When the problem lies with a single
word, name, or number, the passive booth mate can also write it down in the
source language for the benefit of the active interpreter who did not hear it
correctly. It is much more difficult, however, to explain an idea efficiently,
because the active interpreter does not have time to read a long explanation.
This tactic is a very good one because it does not cost
much in time and processing capacity, and pooling the knowledge and
intelligence of two persons, one of whom does not have to divide attention
between listening and other tasks, provides a better chance of finding the
information than using the resources of only one person.
However, in order for the tactic to work, the passive
interpreter must be not only physically present in the booth, but also
available and willing to make the effort and help the active colleague. This
situation does not always occur:
Because of the intense effort involved in interpreting, interpreters strongly
feel the need for rest. In teams composed of two members per target language,
when conditions are difficult, interpreters tend to leave the booth as soon
as they have finished their active duty and only return when they are on
again, or else they may stay in the booth but shut themselves out and rest.
• In
conferences in which papers are to be read, documents are often given to the interpreters
at the very last moment, and presentations are allocated individually to each
member of the team. In such a case, all interpreters are busy reading their
paper or interpreting, and no help is available to the active interpreter
from other team members.
• For
psychological and sociological reasons, including the awareness of one's
weaknesses and some associated frustration, interpreters may feel vulnerable
and not want other colleagues to sit with them and listen while they are
It is
important for teachers to point out the practical value of cooperation
between interpreters, as well as its importance in the framework of
professional ethics aiming at offering clients better service. The practical
aspects of such cooperation, involving in particular large and legible
handwriting, should also be stressed.
d. Consulting documents in the booth When there is no
passive colleague in the booth, interpreters can look for solutions in
documents they have before them.
The efficiency of this tactic varies greatly: looking for a
term in a commercial dictionary may require much time and processing capacity,
but finding an important word in a document that was read and marked before the
conference can be very fast. This is why it is important to pay attention to
both the preparation of documents and their management in the booth.
Instructors should show students how to make important names and terms stand
out for quick reference, using highlighters or other means. Writing important
technical terms and names on a sheet of paper in front of the interpreter
(beside the glossary prepared for the conference) is another way of making them
readily available. In particular, documents should be laid out in the booth,
sorted, and marked in such a way as to minimize the time needed to access them
and to recognize their identification numbers or titles, possibly with
different stacks for each language, sorted by numerical sequence, type of
document, etc.
2.2 Preventive tactics
The following tactics are used when time or processing
capacity pressure is such that the interpreter believes a problem may arise or
is about to occur. The idea is to limit the risks of failure.
a. Taking notes When the speech contains figures and names that
interpreters feel they may forget and that they cannot reformulate right away
for syntactic reasons, they may take them down in notes. While affording
greater security as regards the items which are taken down, this tactic entails
a high cost in time and processing capacity, which increases the risk of losing
other items of information that come before or after those written down (this
is an interference phenomenon, as explained in section 3). The risk is reduced
significantly when it is the passive colleague who writes the information for the
active colleague.
It is interesting to note that when translating in
simultaneous from and into Japanese, some Japanese interpreters take down not
only numbers and names, but also other information which Westerners generally
do not write (in this case, it is often the passive interpreter who takes down
the information for the active colleague). The reason given by them is that
syntactic structures differ greatly between Japanese and other (mostly Western)
languages, which leads to much waiting before the reformulation of any specific
part of a sentence, hence a possible overload of short-term memory and an
increased risk of losing information (see chapter 9).
b. Changing the Ear-Voice Span
By changing the Ear-Voice Span (EVS), that is the time lag
between comprehension and reformulation, interpreters can control to a certain
extent the processing capacity requirements for individual Efforts. By
shortening the lag, they decrease short-term memory requirements, but deprive
themselves of anticipation potential and run the risk of misunderstanding a
sentence and driving themselves into target-language sentences which will be
difficult to complete. By lagging further behind, interpreters increase
comprehension potential, but may overload short-term memory.
Teachers sometimes advise students to try to lengthen or
shorten their EVS in specific cases, but there does not exist a clear-cut,
consistent theory or set of operational rules on the subject. It seems that EVS
regulation is learned with experience; I believe that this is the single
largest benefit derived from practice in simultaneous interpretation during
initial training.
c. Segmentation
When faced with potential overload of memory, as with a
source language and a target language that are syntactically very different,
with embedded structures in the source language, or with unclear sentence
structures, interpreters may choose to reformulate speech segments earlier than
they would normally do, sometimes before they have a full picture of what the
speaker wants to say. In such cases, they may resort to neutral sentence
beginnings or segments in the target language that do not commit them one way
or another. For instance, in a source-language sentence expressing a causal
relationship such as:
of the complex character of equation (2) as shown above, compounded by the
difficulty of finding a unique solution to equations (3) and (4) which
correspond to a steady state system ...
the interpreter can say in the target-language something
(2) as shown above is complex. Equations (3) and (4) describe a steady
system. It is difficult to find a unique solution to them.
While interpreting these segments, he or she will keep in
mind the causal nature of the relationship, which will eventually be expressed
by "Therefore ...." Segmentation can save short-term memory capacity
requirements by unloading information from memory faster. On the other hand,
the very formulation of several grammatically complete short sentences instead
of one may involve higher processing capacity requirements in the Production
Effort. Recommendations should be given on a case-by-case basis.
d. Changing the order of elements in an enumeration
Enumerations are high-density speech segments that impose a
high load on short-term memory. One tactic often observed consists of
reformulating the last elements first so as to free memory from the
information, and then to move on to other elements. To my knowledge, no
analysis has yet been performed as to why this should reduce Memory Effort load.
One possible explanation is that by reformulating the last elements first, it
is possible to pick them up before they have been processed in depth and
integrated fully into the semantic network, thus saving processing capacity.
This tactic may work best with names, which can be reproduced from echoic
memory (memory of the sound), or with terms which are easily transcoded; it may
not be very effective if such elements cannot be transcoded or reproduced
phonetically and require more processing capacity anyway.
2.3 Reformulation tactics
The following are tactics used in reformulation in order to
eliminate the potential consequences of production problems or short-term
memory problems. The first three are the same as presented in section 2.1 on
comprehension tactics.
a. Delaying the response
This is the same tactic as used in comprehension; the idea
being that the waiting period is used for a subconscious (or conscious) search
for the missing term or sentence structure. As with the case of comprehension,
the waiting entails a risk of short-term memory overload, as well as a possible
increase in processing capacity requirements in the Production Effort when the
information is eventually reformulated-because of the backlog that has
accumulated in the meantime.
b. Using the boothmate's help
As can be inferred from the descriptions in section 2.1,
the boothmate's help is more often given in the form of indications for
reformulation than as explanations of what was said, which is reasonable in
view of the strict time constraints involved.
c. Consulting documents in the booth
Whenever possible, documents are used in the booth for
reformulation, in particular where glossaries and dictionaries are concerned.
d. Replacing a segment with a superordinate term or a more general
speech segment
When interpreters find themselves incapable of
understanding a speech segment or reformulating it in the target language, one
possible solution is to reformulate the message in a less accurate manner by
using a superordinate in the case of a single word, or by constructing a more
general segment in the case of a whole clause or sentence: "la
streptokinase" may be reformulated as "the enzyme,"
"Monsieur Stephen Wedgeworth" as "the speaker," "deux
cent trente trois millions" as "about two hundred and thirty
million," "DEC, IBM, Hewlett Packard et Texas Instruments" as
"a number of computer vendors," etc.
This tactic, which requires little time, implies loss of
information in the target-language speech. This, however, does not necessarily
mean that the information is lost for the delegates; it may be repeated in
another sentence in the speech, or be already known to the delegates.
e. Explaining or paraphrasing
Interpreters may understand a term but not know the
appropriate equivalent in the target language, in which case they can explain
it. For instance, in one conference, the data processing term
"tableur" (spreadsheet) was interpreted as "the program which
defines rows and columns and allows calculations to be made."
This tactic can be efficiently informational but has two
drawbacks: one is the large amount of time and processing capacity it requires,
and the other is the fact that it may draw the delegates' attention to the fact
that the interpreter does not know the proper term in the target language,
possibly lowering his or her credibility and reducing the impact of the speech
f. Reproducing the sound heard in the source-language speech
When encountering a name or technical term which is not
known or recognized, the interpreter may try to reproduce the sound as heard.
This is not an "intelligent" tactic insofar as it does not call for
complex cognitive operations, but it can be efficient: if they know the name or
term, delegates may hear it as it should have been pronounced, without even
noticing that the interpreter has a problem. On the other hand, the
approximation may also be heard and perceived as a distortion of the
information, which may not only generate loss of information, but also
discredit the interpreter.
g. Instant naturalization
When interpreters do not know the appropriate term in the
target language, they may naturalize the source-language term, adapting it to
the morphological or phonological rules of the target language. For instance,
in a conference, the term "télédétection" (remote sensing) was
rendered in English as "teledetection." Similarly, the English
computer term "driver," as applied to a software program that helps
operate a device such as a printer from a computer, or as applied to the
physical unit that runs floppy diskettes, was translated into French as
"driver" (pronounced "dreevair"), and into Japanese as
This tactic may prove very effective in three cases:
1. When the source-language
and target-language lexicons are morphologically similar, as for example is
the case in English and French medical terminology.
2. When there is much
borrowing of terms in the particular field from the source language to the
target language. This is the case in particular of data processing, where
English is a loan language for most other languages.
In these first two cases,
the tactic often results in terms that actually exist in the target language,
as such naturalization may have been conducted previously by experts who
needed the terms for their daily activity (as in the case of the naturalized
French version of "driver" cited above), and may have produced the
same target-language creation.
3. When delegates read much
material in the source language. In such a case, they often recognize the
naturalized terms, which are likely to sound similar to the way they
pronounce the words in the source language when reading.
h. Transcoding
Transcoding consists of translating a source-language term
or speech segment into the target language word for word. For example, in the
field of accounting, the English term "maturity date," the equivalent
of which is "date d'échéance ", was interpreted as "date de
This tactic can be very efficient in the same cases as
naturalization. Like naturalization, it can also lead to existing
target-language terms; in various fields, many terms have been created by such
transcoding by experts, just as many terms have been created by phonetic
naturalization. Even when transcoding does not lead to an existing
target-language term, it may facilitate comprehension for the delegates because
of the semantic indications the newly created term carries. For instance, in
the field of dentistry, the English term "mandibular block" (a type
of anesthesia) was interpreted as "bloc mandibulaire", whereas the
appropriate term was "tronculaire". Delegates said afterward they had
no trouble understanding "bloc mandibulaire", even though it bore no
similarity at all with the appropriate French term.
i. Informing delegates of an interpretation problem
When interpreters believe they have missed an important
piece of information, they may decide to inform the delegates of the loss by
stepping out of their role as the speaker's alter ego and saying for instance
"... and an author whose name the interpreter did not catch," or
"... the interpreter is sorry, he missed the last number." When this
happens, delegates may fail to react, but they can also ask the speaker to
repeat the information, either during the session itself or during a break.
This tactic is not used very often. One of the problems is
that it takes up much time and processing capacity, and may therefore
jeopardize the reformulation of other speech segments. Moreover, it draws the
delegates' attention to the interpreter's problems. This has two drawbacks:
first, delegates are interested in the speech, not the interpreters and their
problems; second, by drawing the delegates' attention to his or her problems,
the interpreter may lose credibility, and therefore also indirectly weaken the
impact of the speaker's message.
To sum up, if important information is missed, interpreters
consider it their ethical duty to inform delegates rather than gloss over it,
but if the information is insignificant, or if informing the delegates may do
more harm than good, they choose another tactic.
j. Referring delegates to another information source
In specialized conferences, much of the information is
given not only by the speaker, but also in written handouts and on screen, via
slides and overhead transparencies. When encountering comprehension or
reformulation difficulties, the interpreter can refer delegates to "the
figures/names/equation etc. on the screen/in your handout," etc.
k. Omitting the information
Interpreters may miss information without even noticing it
because they did not have enough processing capacity available for the
Listening and Analysis Effort when the speech segment carrying it was being
uttered. They may also omit it because it disappears from short-term memory.
The omission tactic refers to the case where an interpreter deliberately
decides not to reformulate a piece of information in the target-language
Again, not all the information which was omitted in the
target-language speech is necessarily lost as far as the delegates are concerned,
since it may appear elsewhere or be known to the delegates anyway.
l. Parallel reformulation
When working conditions are particularly bad, and when
interpreters feel it is imperative to continue speaking despite inability to
listen, understand, and reformulate properly, they may invent a speech segment
compatible with the rest of the source-language speech but not a faithful
reflection of the problematic source-language speech.
This tactic is obviously an extreme one, to be used
exceptionally and with the uttermost caution. I believe it should not be taught
at the same time as other tactics. It is probably best left to the very end of
training, when it is introduced
very carefully, with explicit examples and strong emphasis
on ethical considerations.
m. Switching off the microphone
This is another extreme
tactic. Some purists advocate its use when working conditions are poor and
interpreters feel they cannot do a decent job. In actual practice, this is a
very rare attitude. For all intents and purposes, it can be said that this
tactic is only implemented when working conditions are so bad that interpreters
believe they can do no useful work at all, meaning that interpretation would be
worse than non-interpretation.
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